Since Cal learned to walk Cal has had problems with walking. Like everything in life and autism there are a lot of issues that add up to the full picture. Here are what I think are the main contributing factors. Calvin is hypo-sensitive to physical stimuli. It take a lot for him to register touch. He has a crazy high pain tolerance and does not particularly mind falling down all the time. He actually kind of gets a weird kick out of the rush. AKA sensory seeking. This is an atypical characteristic of ASD and most people think of sensory avoidance if they think of anything about autism. Sensory Seeking at about a year and a half This is part and parcel of a proprioceptive and vestibular dysfunction. Where the body is in space in relation to objects, maintaining balance and motor planning are problematic. If you are in a room with Calvin you will know it immediately. The kid is very, very clumsy and wanders around like a cage...
My personal thoughts as I research my fascinating family history, Tulsa history, special needs parenting and just shooting the breeze. Join me. -Kate