GUYS!!! I'm going through my grandmother (Margaret Hara) boxes doing
research for my writing project. I found the love letters that my
grandfather wrote her in 1943 and 1944. how they needed to convince
their parents to get married quick and his war postings.
its so sweet and romantic and my grandfather had mad game.
All of this while he was a flight instructor at Lambert Field. Than later stationed as a combat aviator in late 1943 and early1944 on the USS Lexington in the Pacific theater. I will write about his astonishing military career extensively at a later date. Just know that while all this romance was in his heart most men in his unit did not come back from their missions.
Dating sometime in 1943 |
Jan 6, 1943 |
Wedding day in OKC, June 12, 1943 |
June 3, 1944 |
Most adorable somewhat dirty Grandparents note ever? |
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